About Us

Rajeev Kumar
Strategist & Entrepreneurs
Rajeev is an Entrepreneur and Investment Banker, based out of Bangalore, India with a diverse portfolio of companies. He was also a Bangalore Finalist for "Lead India" by Times of India, (the world's largest English Newspaper), and was identified as a “Young Leader” to lead India into her future in September 2017. His passions includes Sustainability, Advanced Technology, Social Immersion, Ecological & Environmental Design, Urban Design, Development & Governance, and Innovation.

Shukoor Ahmed
Entrepreneur & Politico
Shukoor has been an avid Technologist and Politico and mentoring few young students on how to look at the historical results, polling and exit polling to determine the outcome of results. He has helped over 100 campaigns in last two decades. He mentored young people running for elected office and nurtured many youth to become entrepreneurs. The prominent goal in his life right now is to use his skills, knowledge, and abilities to mentor and support others.

Khalid Rahman
Student & Entrepreneur
Khalid Rahman is a rising student, entrepreneur and a keen student of politics. He played a key role in researching and predicting the outcome of 2019's election. He is studying Business Administration in Roots College. He loves reading, researching, cricket and follows all elections closely in India.